

Zupt offers cutting-edge services and products for accurate subsea navigation, positioning, and high-resolution modeling. Our offerings include innovative solutions to optimize efficiency and accuracy in various subsea operations. Zupt has an extensive track record of purely inertial metrology surveys for jumper/spool fabrication between subsea assets, as well as remote metrology surveys for hassle-free deployment with no additional personnel mobilized offshore. Our 3D modeling service delivers scalable, high-resolution models for asset integrity, digital-twin generation, and metrology. Explore our range of subsea services and our advanced technologies, such as Zupt's inertial navigation system (C-PINS), 3D modeling sensor (3D Recon), and contactless positioning system (HaloCAM).


Zupt offers cutting-edge services and products for accurate subsea navigation, positioning, and high-resolution modeling. Our offerings include innovative solutions to optimize efficiency and accuracy in various subsea operations. Zupt has an extensive track record of purely inertial metrology surveys for jumper/spool fabrication between subsea assets, as well as remote metrology surveys for hassle-free deployment with no additional personnel mobilized offshore. Our 3D modeling service delivers scalable, high-resolution models for asset integrity, digital-twin generation, and metrology. Explore our range of subsea services and our advanced technologies, such as Zupt's inertial navigation system (C-PINS), 3D modeling sensor (3D Recon), and contactless positioning system (HaloCAM).

Subsea Services

Inertial Metrology

Inertial Metrology using Zupt's C-PINS is a proven and efficient method to accurately determine the measurements required for jumper or spool fabrication between subsea assets.

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Remote Metrology

Zupt began offshore trials in 2017 to implement remote metrology surveys using its C-PINS inertial navigation system.

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3D Modeling

3D Modeling is an accurate and time-saving method of surveying for asset integrity, metrology, digital-twin generation, and general inspection.

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Sparse LBL

Sparse LBL is a precise subsea positing technique that couples LBL with INS technology for efficient subsea navigation.

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Array Planning

Array planning for optimizing the number of transponders deployed and calibrated on the seafloor.

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Buoy Set

Zupt’s highly accurate Inertial Navigation System (C-PINS) and specialized buoy setting tool reduces the amount of time required to position a buoy pattern on the seabed prior to spudding a new well, placing a new subsea structure, or installing a monopile.

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Subsea Products

3D Recon

3D Recon is a standalone 3D modeling sensor that delivers real-time sparse point clouds that double as a relative-to-structure navigation system and a quality control metric to ensure complete coverage of what is seen subsea.

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HaloCAM is a subsea imaging sensor that monitors the verticality, heading, and relative position of any structure that has an April Tag adhered to it.

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Halo is a compact, easy to integrate, and affordable INS solution for ROV navigation and positioning.

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Fusion Splice

Fusion-Splice allows real-time, direct interfacing of Sonardyne LBL ranges into an iXBlue Inertial Navigation System for Sparse LBL operations without a complete spread of equipment from a single manufacturer.

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MicroTTU is a flexible, multi-port, and precisely timed subsea serial multiplexor designed to withstand the harsh environment of ROV operations.

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